My Superpowers

I have always wanted to believe I’m different, special even, not superior but so out of the norm as to be distinctive in key ways. Willing to accept major intractable flaws as the price of unusual strengths. I think that I must always be aware of this temptation, because the most dangerous lines of thinking are things that are sometimes true.

That said, I think I should accept that some of the unusual things about me are worth celebrating. These are my superpowers:

  • I need much less downtime than the average person. Working essentially from dawn until dusk may be tiring but so long as I get enough food and sleep, I am able to go straight from one task to the next with full attention.
    • I have the sneaking suspicion that something about me is naturally tuned to mindfulness. The thing that some people spend their whole lives pursuing or never know they’re missing is pretty clearly something I do naturally. It’s weird because one of the signature components of mindfulness is living in the moment, which I’m phenomenally bad at, but maybe the mental openness and metacognition I do naturally are enough to keep me healthy.
  • I’m never afraid of myself. More specifically, I don’t act in fear of what my future self will feel, and I never look back on my past self with regret or judgment. I definitely struggle with rejection from others, but even the thought of rejecting myself, self-loathing or self-disrespect are foreign.