Monthly Archives: March 2015

Retooling system again

I like the system and I feel like it’s working!  I reward myself for doing good stuff and punish myself for not doing good stuff.

I want to expand it to incorporate more exercise-related incentives.  My diet is under control (and the Soylent has made that way easier) but I’m not able to motivate myself to exercise regularly.  So I want to use the system to get exercising done.

Basically the idea is to have things that need to be done on a daily/weekly basis.  Failure to complete a daily or weekly earns some other kind of chip (yellow chip?) and three of them create a red chip.  I also want some ability to buy off yellow chips (maybe bonus exercise?) and possibly some minor reward for completing all the dailies for the week (ANOTHER kind of chip? Or maybe can deduct a yellow chip if there are any, a blue chip just for doing the weeklies might be good but it seems a bit rich)

Need to slightly redo the health tracker also to be friendlier to basic exercises.

Consider a bit more and redo tonight perhaps