Monthly Archives: October 2014

Overwhelmed a bit

Yup, but I took Thursday off work and I’m doing a lot better.  It’s actually remarkable that it’s still on Friday (at least for another hour).  I got a lot done!!  Starting to feel better.

This is the list of things that was stressing me out:

  • Grading (got started on playing catchup)
  • ACT Science (FINALLY wrote the physics passage, still should write at least one more)
  • HoS Finale Novelization (DONE BITCHES!)
  • A bunch of minor stuff that doesn’t matter at all.

Saturday shall be a CHEAT DAY.  I’m excited to eat lots of garbage!  Thinking maybe some Polish sausage to go with Costco shopping, some other lunch out food too probably, then something home-cooked and unhealthy for dinner, then ice cream after workout (assuming Lyn doesn’t bail on the workout, if she does then I’ll still do it myself).

Also need to clean sometime.  Saturday should be good-busy!

Sunday is Exalted and Quidditch.  Not sure I’ll get anything else done, so hopefully can get that all squared away Saturday.  Like the lesson planning, oops.  Gonna go do that before bed!

Someday I’ll actually get to play my Xbox.  Someday…

New TO DO list

So this week is turning out to be crazy hectic.  Already had wall-to-wall things to do earlier this week, now the rest of the week looks like this:

  • Today: long-ass day, then BJs social event with HS2
  • Tomorrow: Drop off car at 8AM, do work (grading?) maybe won’t be able to do aikido, then give makeup exam, then HS2, then after work DDR perhaps
  • Friday: Biology meeting, first half hour of division meeting, makeup exam, aikido, SJSU quidditch, probably the tackling practice, then I’ll be dog tired probably but maybe I can get something done
  • Saturday: Golden Broom Tournament Snitching!  Then afterwards, THE DAY TO FINISH ALL THE THINGS!
  • Sunday: Morning off, then Mission Blues practice, then hangout, then go to bed early so I won’t DIE

So I’m really getting a lot more disorganized in the brain region now because when I set this up I had forgotten about the tournament (even though I remembered it last weekend when setting up my schedule).  This is frustrating!  Also it leaves WAY less time to do things since the tournament will eat up large parts of Saturday and probably leave me very tired for the remainder.  But let’s see how this all goes down!  I’ll try assigning when things get done.

  • Grade the Bio21 exams (DONE AND DONE)
  • Grade the backlog of Bio21 quizzes (WORKING ON IT A WEEK LATER)
  • Fix the grade box (related to previous) (FIXED)
  • Prepare next week’s lesson plans and lab objectives (and lab quiz!) (DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN)
  • ACT Science passages (FINISHED THE HARD ONE)
  • Novelization of end of Hearts of Silver (DONE!)
  • Make 5 Minute Lessons videos (FINISHED ONE, DO THE OTHER ONE SOMETIME)
  • Make videos for WWoF (NOT FOR A WHILE SUCKA)

Holy shit.