To do (goal is not 100% completion):
- GRE practice
- Sorcery Clans work
- Sorcery Clans play
- Verizon store
- Cook beans
- Mail snitch shorts?
To do (goal is not 100% completion):
A more expensive weekend….
Not counting the Verizon store to upgrade the phone, or the new phone case, or the cat food and litter, because I’m busted out if I count that. Also not counting the copay for the doctor’s visit. Also not counting the medicine money even though it’s only $2.50. Also not counting date night Saltgrass and HEB drinks/snacks. Sigh.
BLGHEHHHH. Let’s goooo. The things that need doing for next week (mainly Micro) are going to have to fit in Tuesday and Thursday mostly.
Goal: under $100 for the week
Not counting the Science Club and the Taco Bell hopefully refunded amount.
Tuesday and Thursday are good days to get stuff done!
Not exactly a breakneck pace to the work this week, but I need some progress on the KINE because next week’s work looks basically the same but with chapter 5 instead of viruses.
Getting pretty tired, maybe can finish up one more little thing or two, let’s look at Thursday’s things to do:
Tons of things to do today:
Sort of made it through most of the day okay. Here’s stuff for the rest of the week:
This Thursday late/Friday:
Probably a lot more things too but so far holding it together.
The science club meeting isn’t until next week so stop trying to panic about this Thursday!
Yesterday was a blistering day, so I’m pretty burned out today. Luckily my list of things to do isn’t too bad:
Timeline of things
Other things that need doing soon:
Next week will be a short week thanks to Labor Day with only one long day (Weds) and the Thursday is even easier because it’s an exam day. This means I have a chance to really get ahead! Though also don’t forget that Friday is the 2401 lab exam 1 setup and also the FGI committee meeting.
Hmm, do I say it will suck to prepare myself, or do I say it will be fine to reduce fulfilling expectations of sucking? No idea! I think there’s research out there but I’m tired.
Guhhh I’m so anxious let’s fucking do this thing ugh.