Busy day!
- Good breakfast
- Prep soup
- Prep gym stuff
- Teach
- Office hours (pile of work)
- Gym
- Home/dinner
- ??
Busy day!
Get ready!
Things to do soon:
Game plan:
Things to do!
Anything else?……..
Must keep doing!
Just throw any random stuff in there
This week!
I got tons o’ shit to do!
It sounds like I’ll have Saturday afternoon/evening off too so maybe I can finish the MLQ and watch the movie then?
The semester is starting up! Let’s take a look at things that need doing. Two parts: work and not work.
THURSDAY (Since today is busy):
But first, tonight is finishing jerseys! All done!
MONDAY (last free day)
Today is my last big work day with internet. Why?
So! Here’s the list of things that need doing in the next five hours (before I get home to make dinner) in some approximate descending order of importance
Let’s get cracking!