Fingers crossed!
- Prep work for scoring?
- Prep NCBO!!…
- Science club
- Stickers ✓
- Prep work
- 2401 and 2404 agendas ✓
- 2404 and 2401 quizzes ✓
- Add others here…
Fingers crossed!
Work to-do:
Weekend home to-do:
Shopping list:
Anything else? This feels incomplete… I’ll probably remember as soon as it’s too late!
Preparative stuff:
Things (outside of classes) that need doing:
Cerebellum articles (not really but you know what I mean)
Have fun!
Christmas shopping at Target!
Things to do:
Shopping thoughts:
Check against whiteboard list in office!
Another to-do list because they help!
Note to self: in the spring, make the to-do list over the weekend? Maybe.
Other things to do soon:
Watch out for things doing next week?
Today’s mission: