Overwhelming possibilities

So many things to do, not enough time to do them all in.

Important note: new PC is fun but doesn’t seem super convenient to switch back and forth on development projects. Recommend working EITHER on iMac or on PC, limit working on the same app on both.

  • New PC!
    • Build scanner app (need name)
      • Build app from template
      • Add branding, auth, and logic
      • Build DB (one table?)
      • Load Fuzzy String matching
    • Build image merge app
      • Export somehow or even make separate deployment so as to connect to SC
      • Actually I think that could work lol
    • Play some PC games
      • Steam
      • Anything else?
  • Sorcery Clans
    • Magic discoveries/spells
    • Healing algorithm
    • Taming/etc missions
    • Defense/intel missions
  • Probably more things

Plus this evening is lawnmow+watersoften+shower, so busy busy!

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