Red magic is now the least interesting magic, and to fix this, I will be implementing an extension of Greater Demons: Curses!
- A Curse is learned by a Greater Demon as a result of a research discovery
- Permanent embodiment demons are ineligible for Curses. Also Greater Demons can only learn one curse. Any other Greater Demon may learn a Curse, but the discovery rate on Curses is only 30% and doesn’t kick in until GDemEligible() >=3 so you’ll always have more Greater Demons than Curses
- The Curse is an object stored directly in the Greater Demon object that also stores its effect type. It is identified by the gdnum of the containing Greater Demon
- The process for using the Curse is as follows:
- Invest the Greater Demon in a Soldier
- Send the Soldier on a Curse Prep mission (traveling to target) through the Research, Rival, TeamSpell or MidMonth menu
- Once Soldier is in position, they wait for the Curse to be Activated through the Research, Rival, TeamSpell, or MidMonth Menu
- While the soldier is waiting they have a random (chance against perimeter score) to be discovered and escape
- The Curse Activation costs $$ and research power, and while it’s happening the soldier (who can’t be on a team!) must save against Magic and Internal score chances. If discovered, they must escape
- If the Curse is completed, the damage is mitigated by the magical defense of the Rival, and then goes on to do different kinds of damage depending on the spell effect
- Ughhh the Rivals…. haha
To do list to make it happen:
- Create Curse object
- Curse() constructor (requires lvl and GreaterDemon input to determine effect)
- Includes effect (Com/Mag/Sub)
- Includes cost and time within
- File saver
- File loader
- RivalList effects
- TeamSpellMenu and MidMonth menu deploy options
- Menu in Research and in Rival to deploy Curses
- Curses are cast by the Research team:
- Spell Type: new
- Spell Number: the GreaterDemon ID num
- Target: the RivalList ID num
- Curses are cast by the Research team:
- spresults section to complete Curse