Tons of things to do today:
- Close bank accounts ✓
- Make phone calls ✓
- Grade Nutrition ✓
- Lunch lunch ✓
- Aikido paper ✓
- Micro work
- Small practice handbook ✓
- Start KINE work ✓
- Check in on 2402 exam ✓
- Connection fair this evening ✓
- JJ’s file ✓
- Get meds ✓
- Aaaaaaagh holy shit I actually did all of it except the micro, that’s amazing
Sort of made it through most of the day okay. Here’s stuff for the rest of the week:
- Micro exam #1 draft out (!!)
- Read/notes on chapter 2 of KINE
- Start KINE paper
- Grade quizzes ✓
- 2402 lab exam stuff ✓
- Prep agendas for next week (esp Micro Monday but also A&P1 ch3c/4) ✓
- Make next quiz for A&P1 and MM for Micro ✓
- Quidditch flyer + event
This Thursday late/Friday:
- Set up A&P1 exam (during office hours, maybe start it on Thursday evening?) ✓
- Print A&P1 exams ✓
- FGIC meeting
Probably a lot more things too but so far holding it together.
The science club meeting isn’t until next week so stop trying to panic about this Thursday!