Yesterday was a blistering day, so I’m pretty burned out today. Luckily my list of things to do isn’t too bad:
- Finish KINE paper ✓ (yaaaay)
- Prep blood type ✓
- Teach A&P2
- Call SS ✓
- Call DMV / SHOW UP TO DMV blargh ✓
Timeline of things
- Morning: phone calls & DMV ✓
- Early afternoon: next week’s agendas ✓
- Teach from 1:40-4:25 ✓
- After teach: Science Club ✓
- Cosmos @6PM
- Minecraft@9PM
Other things that need doing soon:
- Virtual club day: Tuesday
- Write aikido paper next week sometime
- Keep up with KINE class
- Make Micro exam #1
- Make chapter 11/12 Micro lessons
Next week will be a short week thanks to Labor Day with only one long day (Weds) and the Thursday is even easier because it’s an exam day. This means I have a chance to really get ahead! Though also don’t forget that Friday is the 2401 lab exam 1 setup and also the FGI committee meeting.