Things that need doing:
- 2401 prep
- Week 2 agendas ✓
- Set up attendance ✓
- 2420 prep
- Grade quizzes from day 1 & set up attendance ✓
- Week 2 agendas ✓
- Chapter 2 PPTs ✓
- Chapter 3 PPT ~
- Chapter 3 SLO ✓
- 2402
- Observe/prep ✓
- Print rosters! ✓
- 2401 lab
- Email lab ✓
- Print rosters! ✓
- KINE Course
- Get book ✓
- Start stuff ✓
- UHV Quidditch club
- Contact Hilary Kofron at (361) 485-4409 for more information ✓
- Write constitution
- Submit paperwork
- Coordinate with Robert
- VC Quidditch Club prep stuff
- VC Science Club
- Contact Valerie!
- Make first meeting
- Mail stuff to Janice ✓
- JBMS stuff
Probably other things but this is a good start. CAN I FINISH IT ALL ON TUESDAY???? Probably not but worth a try.