I report for duty at HS2 on January 6th, and even then it’s just five days (maybe) a week of working five hour days, so I still have oodles of time before the semester at Evergreen starts up in earnest (on the 27th). So I have a lot of time and a LOT of things to do with it!
Total Fun:
Minecraft- Civ II
TF2- ZAngband (maybe…)
- FTL (maybe…)
Read Ninja bookRead The Art of War
Video Stuff
Investigate screen captureInvestigate Leslie’s drawing pad(doesn’t look like it will be useful)Investigate Best Buy optionsInvestigate Final Cut ProShoot some damn videos!Redo prionpace.net front page(but still need to make pictures)Make tutor.prionspace.net presentable
- Learn Moodle
- Prep Bio20 syllabus
- Redo Bio20 SLOs, PPTs, Labs, & website
Marina’s letter of recNihit’s letter of rec- Sonny’s letter of rec
- Start job applications
Session #4 writeupWrite Olivia interim- Investigate adding/splitting campaign
Session #5 is the 5th!- Session #6 is the 19th!
Create stable workout routine- Work out a bunch
Play Quidditch at least once
Around the House
- Clean desk
- Kaiser signup!
- Change car’s oil!
Hit Costco- Clean out fall files
Call JohnCall PaulRedo car registrationPay Hayward tax
Optional stuff
Investigate getting keyboard- Investigate making some art
UPDATE: HA HA! Checked one off! Just like twenty to go….