Overwhelming possibilities

So many things to do, not enough time to do them all in.

Important note: new PC is fun but doesn’t seem super convenient to switch back and forth on development projects. Recommend working EITHER on iMac or on PC, limit working on the same app on both.

  • New PC!
    • Build scanner app (need name)
      • Build app from template
      • Add branding, auth, and logic
      • Build DB (one table?)
      • Load Fuzzy String matching
    • Build image merge app
      • Export somehow or even make separate deployment so as to connect to SC
      • Actually I think that could work lol
    • Play some PC games
      • Steam
      • Anything else?
  • Sorcery Clans
    • Magic discoveries/spells
    • Healing algorithm
    • Taming/etc missions
    • Defense/intel missions
  • Probably more things

Plus this evening is lawnmow+watersoften+shower, so busy busy!


Sorcery Clans algorithm:

Multiple Medical Skill * Medical Power to get total medical healing “points” (?)

Injured soldiers need healing with difficulty based on their injury level:

  • Uninjured: 50 mp for 50% chance to heal 1HP
  • Injured: 100 mp for 90% chance to heal 1 HP and 50% chance to heal 1 level
  • Wounded: 150 mp for 90% chance to heal 1 HP and 50% chance to heal 1 level
  • Critical: 200 mp for 90% chance to heal 1HP and 50% chance to heal 1 level

In other words, the total MP dedicated to a soldier reflects the % chance to heal 1 HP (but capped at 90%). Also for the three injured levels, the MP divided by the number of the level reflects the % chance (capped at 50%) to heal by a level

INTERESTING WRINKLE: If a soldier is critically injured but receiving top quality battlefield care, it should still take them a while to heal! Maybe there’s a tally on last heal or something…

Purple Magic

I’m very happy with the progress on restarting Sorcery Clans, but the five colors of magic really are starting to look like Magic: The Gathering ripoffs. So I’m adding a sixth domain. Let me spell them all out here!

CORE MECHANIC: Color magic comes from some special powers (there are colorless ones too of course). Elite clans may have a color power, and when you study special powers you have a % chance to discover an implantable color magic spell. Also if your clan does not have an implantation spell, the first discovery you make will probably be an implantable color magic spell (e.g. Necromancy but for all of the colors). Then magic users with those colors are required to advance your spellcraft. Each has a lesser and greater application, and requires an elite caster at some point

  • Black Magic: Necromancy
    • Lesser: Summon static undead soldiers that follow the necromancer
      • Black magic special power required to control undead
    • Greater: Resurrect dead soldiers as greater undead
    • Elite caster: to cast resurrection
  • Red Magic: Demonology
    • Lesser: Summon temporary powerful static demon soldiers that can complete missions
    • Greater: Implant greater demon into soldier to boost stats and curse rivals
      • Implantation takes the Special Power slot
    • Elite caster: to cast implantation
  • White Magic: Angel Magic
    • Lesser: Discover angels and build icons to carry their power
      • Implanting angel blood to create Nephilim required to advance icon study
    • Greater: Build statues that harness the angel’s power
    • Elite caster: to build statue
  • Green Magic: Beast Taming
    • Lesser: discover beasts to tame, creating partner soldier
      • Special power sometimes required to tame beast
    • Greater: discover magical animals or plants to hunt to boost stats of soldiers
    • Elite caster: to prepare harvested resources
  • Blue Magic: Spirit Magic
    • Lesser: Summon static spirit soldiers that can be assigned freely (but cannot contribute to research)
    • Greater: Build spirit artifact that has a spirit soldier inside that grows in power to mighty levels
      • Spiritual Attunement special power required to be implanted to master spirit artifact
    • Elite caster: to build the spirit artifact
  • Purple Magic: Faerie Magic
    • Lesser: Summon a faerie and attempt a bargain to complete a mission in exchange for a fae artifact, minor Purple power implantation, or just for positive credit to the court reputation
    • Greater: Summon a faerie and attempt to learn its true name. If you succeed in learning its true name, you can bind the faerie to a soldier with no power, imbuing the soldier with faerie luck.
      • Binding takes the Special Power slot
    • Elite caster: To attempt to steal the fae’s true name

Fun facts about Fey magic:

  • Greater fey magic involves binding faeries, but this offends the faerie court they come from. Too many
  • Faerie courts can go to war with each other and with you! If you have good relations with a court they may try to help you steal the names of their enemies to bind them
  • Faeries bound for faerie luck provide a mix of the three benefits here:
    • Combat: adds a Faerie soldier that follows like a beast, greater spirit or lesser undead
    • Magic: adds a boost to research and research leadership
    • Subtlety: adds a boost to spying
  • Something to consider: all forms of magic so far (except Blue) give you something nothing else can even imitate (Statues, reviving dead soldiers, harvest permanently boosting stats, and curses upon rivals). I would like Purple magic to do something new too. Boosting logistics leadership (which boosts research and medical in addition to magic) seems very tempting, but I have not yet drawn out how the other domains will influence leadership (probably harvests and icons will boost leadership at a minimum). So stay on the lookout for something unique!



Ok but actually today is the most open day, since tomorrow is Party with Karla Day, Saturday is Party More With Karla Day, and Sunday/Monday is potential birthday festivities.

So today is the best day! Here are the things I want to do:

  • Make kusarigama! √
  • Make new keyboard shelf (weather permitting for staining) √
    • Weather says it’ll be cloudy all day, but probably warm enough by noon to give it a shot
  • Play Starcraft √√√
  • Work on ONE code project
    • Add major feature to QuadballFinder?
    • Build Orcs for WorkoutMixer?
    • Build EnriquezZuniga app?
    • Maybe just don’t do anything? lol √
  • Go to Berringer MA tonight?? √

Final verdict: productive!

Probably could have done a code project, but I did work out some organization things in the journals so that’s good.

Christmas ’23 break

So I have 10 days “off” (still have some work to do here and there) so here’s how I want to spend that time.

  • Critical chores
    • Car registration
    • Find doctor
  • Woodworking
    • Keyboard shelf
    • Cubes
    • DOOR
    • Pantry shelves
  • Art
    • Sewing pt1 (prototype)
    • Sewing pt2 (heart)
    • Sewing pt3 (toolbelt)
  • Programming
    • Training music app (SECOND PRIORITY)
    • Enriquez/Zuniga Home App (Third priority)
    • Identity stuff (yeah)
    • Cherish?
    • Sorcery Clans??
  • Games
    • ZAngband
    • Warcraft III
    • MOO original x2 lol
  • Clean desk/car/kitchen/garage
  • Probably more things

After a semi-successful week, we have a three day weekend to play with! Let’s try to divide it out a bit

    • TSL App
      • Auth
      • Map
      • Event structure
      • Email notify
      • Signup data
    • Make simple toolbelt!
    • Write letter
    • Make ice cream
    • Start big shelf project!
    • Workout app
      • Experiment with sound files
      • Merge/mix files
      • Basic front end
      • Try workout!
      • Deal with auth and blob later
    • New Year’s Eve stuff!
    • Write to self
    • Pickup either unfinished app, or else start home app
    • Woodworking?
    • Go to bed early!!!

Time Windfall

This weekend is wide open! Even more so than normal because wifey has an outing on Sunday. These are the things I want to do the most, in approximately descending order:

  • Presentation help √
  • Azure B2C experiment
  • Sewing fun (little pillow? buy stuffing)
  • Cube woodworking experiment √
  • Mock up TSL web app
  • Integration Tracker – add POC √
  • TGG doubleheader
  • Start building shelf (buy pine oil & boards)
  • Work on Cherish
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry √